Watching Paint Dry

Painting in January is a different kettle of fish. Days are short, so the window of good light for painting is small. And the studio is cold, so the paint takes ages to dry.

But I don’t mind this. I find January painting calming. My surroundings force me to slow down, to accept that some things are beyond my control. I enjoy this period of hibernation.

I spend much of my painting life waiting for paint to dry, and never more so than in January. It is an enjoyable wait, a place of contentment. The colours change gradually as the water evaporates. It’s never entirely clear where the pigment will end up, how the gloss or matt finish will emerge.

It’s like a two-player game: I’ve done my bit, and now I’m waiting for the paint to do theirs. When I see what they’ve done, I’ll work out what happens next. I have some control, but my part is also a reaction to the things I can’t control.

Watch some paint dry. I recommend it.


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