Farewell to a faithful friend

Not long ago, I joked with a friend that if ever the Jam Factory closed its doors, I’d move out of Oxford. As it turns out, that day was closer than I thought. 

The Jam Factory is a bar, restaurant and gallery. But more than that - it’s a place that gives you a warm welcome, champions artists, and looks after the regulars. The people who work there are amazing: they’ve supported me on my artistic adventure, helped me achieve some big wins, and cheered me up when times were tough.

I’ve met all sorts of people there: poets and musicians, motorbike enthusiasts and dog lovers, biochemists and priests. I’ve celebrated professional and personal milestones , taught workshops, painted gigs with cocktail in hand, and spent many, many mornings tap-tapping at my laptop while nursing endless coffees. It has been a family business for 16 years, and it has become part of my Oxford home. 

But nothing lasts forever, and an impasse with the landlord could not be resolved. Will I follow through on my promise to leave Oxford? Too soon to say, but I know for sure that Oxford is losing one of its gems. The university may be what gives the city its reputation, but it’s places like the Jam Factory that make it somewhere I’d like to live.

Closing day is on 17 September. I’ll be making the most of it until then.  Come join me!


Mismatched Bodies


Use your grief